Jordan Camp, Associate Professor of American Studies

Jordan T. Camp, Associate Professor of American Studies

Jordan T. 坎普是美国研究学院的副教授,也是该中心的联合主任 Social Justice Institute at Trinity College, and a Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Institute at the University of Connecticut. 他的研究重点是种族和阶级之间的关系, expressive culture, political economy, the state, social theory, and the history of labor and freedom struggles.

Jordan is the author of 监禁危机:自由斗争和新自由主义国家的崛起 (University of California Press, 2016); co-editor (with Christina Heatherton) of 《维持地球治安:为什么警察危机导致黑人的生命很重要 (Verso, 2016); and co-editor (with Laura Pulido) of the late 克莱德·伍兹的发展,淹没和重生:布鲁斯和波旁王朝的恢复 Post-Katrina New Orleans (University of Georgia Press, 2017). His work also appears in journals such as American QuarterlyAntipodeEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space《城市历史》,《全球最大的网投平台》Ord & BildRace & ClassRethinking Marxism, and Social Justice. He is the co-host and co-producer of the Conjuncture podcast and web series. He is currently working on a new book entitled, The Southern Question.

Scott Gac,美国研究中心主任兼副教授Scott Gac, Professor of American Studies and History

斯科特在信誉最好的网投十大平台教授美国文化史方面的各种课程.  他的作品涉及反奴隶制运动、抗议音乐、南北战争和暴力. His first book, 为自由歌唱:哈钦森家族歌手与战前改革文化 (Yale Press, 2007), details the life and work of the Hutchinson Family Singers, 反奴隶制歌剧团和美国历史上第一批商业上成功的社会抗议音乐家. 在他的个人网站上了解更多关于他最近的演讲和书籍新闻,

Amanda Guzman, Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Amanda J. Guzmán is an anthropological archaeologist with a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley. 她专注于博物馆人类学领域,专注于收集和展示波多黎各在跨文化表现和国家认同形成问题交叉点的历史. Guzmán是信誉最好的网投十大平台加勒比研究中心的联合主任.

有美国印第安人国家博物馆颁发的奖学金记录, 美国国家历史博物馆和史密森尼美国艺术博物馆, Guzmán在不同的收藏文化机构中处理和解释对象和档案材料. 她通过学年研究助教和定期参加暑期研究项目来支持本科生在课堂之外的人类学培训.

阿曼达将她的收藏经验以及她与多个公众合作的承诺应用到她的基于对象的探究教学实践中,使其更加公平, 通过文化工作的无障碍模型共同生产知识. 作为一名前社区学习教员和顾问委员会成员, 她通过社区学习课程积极与哈特福德参与和研究中心合作. Guzmán has hosted class speaker series, focused on Puerto Rican and museum studies,促进学生与更广泛的学者和文化工作者网络的互动.

阿曼达是博物馆人类学委员会的董事会成员, 哈里特·比彻·斯托中心董事会副主席和纽约前哥伦布学会董事会成员.


Christina Heatherton is the author of Arise! Global Radicalism in the Era of the Mexican Revolution (University of California Press, 2022). 这本书将被翻译成西班牙语,并由La Cigarra出版社(墨西哥城)重新出版, Mexico) in Fall 2023. With Jordan T. Camp she previously edited Policing the PlanetWhy the Policing Crisis Led to Black Lives Matter (Verso Books, 2016). Her work appears in volumes such as The Cambridge History of America in the World,由克里斯汀·李·霍根森和杰伊·塞克斯顿(剑桥大学)编辑. Press, 2022), 女权主义者重新思考新自由主义国家:不平等、排斥和变革, edited by Leela Fernandes (NYU Press, 2018), Futures of Black Radicalism,由Gaye Theresa Johnson和Alex Lubin编辑(Verso Books, 2017) 《信誉最好的网投十大平台》, edited by Moon-Ho Jung (Univ. (Washington Press, 2014)以及诸如 American QuarterlySociety and Space, Women’s Studies Quarterly, CitySocial Justice, Interface. It also appears in popular venues such as Public SeminarPolitics/LettersZocaloThe FunambulistWashington Spectator, and 032 Magazine.

克里斯蒂娜之前创立并共同指导了几个面向公众的倡议, including: New Directions in American Studies (NDAS); the Oral History and Activism Project; and the Working Group on Racial Capitalism, a project of the Center for Study of Social Difference (CSSD), Columbia University. She is the editor of Downtown Blues: A Skid Row Reader (Freedom Now Books, 2011) and co-editor with Jordan T. Camp of Freedom Now! Struggles for the Human Right to Housing in LA and Beyond (Freedom Now Books, 2012). She is co-host and co-producer of the podcast/ web series Conjuncture. She currently co-directs the Trinity Social Justice Institute.


卡伦·李·米勒教授美国文化和文学课程. Her interests include nineteenth-century, multi-ethnic, women’s, children’s, and material culture studies. Her dissertation, 定位再现:中国人在19世纪美国文学中的表现, explored the theme of reproduction in a range of perspectives, 从女性个体的身体政治到美国移民政策再到中美关系. The project examined a variety of texts and materials, including canonical writings, such as Melville and Twain, historical women’s publications, children’s missionary periodicals, chinoiserie, photographs, and toys. 这种跨学科和多层次的研究方法体现了她的教学理念. Through interactive assignments and discussions, 她致力于扩展学生与我们的文本以及他们的多个社区的联系和权威感, from local to global.

Juliet Nebolon, Assistant Professor of American StudiesJuliet Nebolon, Assistant Professor of American Studies

Juliet received her Ph.D. in American Studies from Yale University. 她的研究和教学为种族研究带来了跨国视角, indigeneity, and gender in the United States, with a particular focus on U.S. war and empire in Asia and the Pacific Islands. Nebolon’s book manuscript, 定居者军国主义:第二次世界大战在夏威夷和美国的形成.S. Empire (根据合同,杜克大学),主要关注太平洋战争期间夏威夷的戒严令时期.  这个跨学科项目探讨了在公共卫生领域定居者殖民主义和军事化的重叠制度, domestic science, education, land acquisition, and internment.  Her article in American Quarterly, “‘Life Given Straight from the Heart’: Settler Militarism, Biopolitics, and Public Health in Hawai‘i during World War II,被美国研究协会授予2018年康斯坦斯硕士学位. Rourke Prize. She recently published a second article, 《定居者-军营:第二次世界大战期间太平洋岛屿上的拘留营和战俘营,” in the Journal of Asian American Studies.


American Studies Graduate Program

Graduate Studies Office 103 Vernon St.
Hartford, CT 06106
M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.