In January Trinity announced a comprehensive neighborhood revi­talization initiative for the neighbor­hoods surrounding the campus. 这个计划, 相当于在哈特福德投资1.75亿美元, will generate approximately $100 million in new construction and development and is supported by Fannie Mae, which has earmarked $75 million in new low­-rate mortgage financing for people who buy homes in the area.

该倡议, which will create an infrastructure for local families and link neighborhood institutions in an unprecedented collaboration, is de­signed to establish the neighborhoods surrounding Trinity as a central hub of educational, 保健和家庭支助活动. It represents a global neigh­borhood equation that includes an educational component spanning grades K-12 and a science component focusing on health and technology. 三所新学校, 一个新的健康和技术中心, 儿童早期和家庭资源中心, 并在目标地区建立一个男孩和女孩俱乐部. 该倡议 also calls for the wiring of the neighborhood to connect major institutions and provide residential units access to computer networks and educational resources.

“We have formed an extraordinary partnership between major health and educational institutions, 公共和私营部门, 城市, 州政府和联邦政府, and community and neighborhood groups that share a stake in the future of this area and are committed to its revitalization,信誉最好的网投十大平台校长埃文. Dobelle.

A key element of the initiative is the development of a new Allied Health and Technology Center on a vacant site near Trinity’s campus. This hands­-on science laboratory will be a col­laborative effort involving five institu­tions in the area: Trinity, 哈特福德医院, 康涅狄格州儿童医疗中心, 利文研究所, 和康涅狄格州公共电视台(CPTV). Trinity and the three medical institutions are partners in the Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance (SINA). 联合健康和技术中心将包括一个动手实验室, 主要展品, 展览建设和研究部门. 最初的重点将放在卫生领域, 生理科学和运动表现, robot-ics, 生物医学工程和互联网/万维网.

房屋所有权是另一个关键因素. “Fannie Mae welcomes the opportunity to support the $75 mil­lion housing component of this com­prehensive targeted neighborhood plan. 崔妮蒂迈出的重要一步, and the commitment of its SINA partners and the City to home ownership in these neighborhoods, 对哈特福德的复兴至关重要,罗伯特·坎特说, 房利美哈特福德合伙办公室主任. “The ef­fort by Trinity fits neatly with our HouseHartford plan which is based on linking housing to community eco­nomic development initiatives.” This Fannie Mae commitment represents a second commitment to Hartford in less than a yea:r.

他说:“我们的目标是从内部稳定社区局势. “我们的重点是儿童和教育, and the real key is home owner­ship and families with a vested interest in the survival of their neighborhoods. This is not about gentrification but rather about the difficult task of com­munity-building, 我们将采用一种包容性的方法, 不是conde-scending.”

计划中包含的三所学校是蒙台梭利磁铁小学, fully funded by an existing state appropriation; a Hartford Middle School, fully funded by 城市 bond funds; and a middle and/ or high school science and math resource cen­ter. The specific program for the latter school and regional resource center is being developed in collaboration with area school superintendents. The Al­lied Health and Technology Center will be financed with existing public financing (federal, 州和市)得到了新浪网合作伙伴机构承诺的支持.

CPTV参与合作的努力, Dobelle说, “We have an extraordinary opportunity to establish Hartford as the national leader in distance learning for science and mathematics.” An example of spe­cific initiatives under discussion is the linking of CPTV channels directly into the new Allied Health and Technology Center, 建立一个全州范围的校内网络. CPTV总裁杰里·富兰克林说, pro­gramming would originate at the new center and would be distributed to all K-12 schools in the state via CPTV’s Knowledge Network.

Development plans for these syner­gistic initiatives are focused primarily in the block bounded by Vernon Street, 布劳内尔大道, 信誉最好的网投十大平台的校园和华盛顿街的医院.


The $175 million redevelopment of part of the Frog Hollow neighborhood proposed by Trin­ity College, 哈特福德医院, 利文研究所, 康涅狄格州儿童医疗中心 and Connecticut Public Television is a grand example of thinking big.

三所新的公立学校正在筹划中, 就业保障与教育挂钩, 一个健康和技术研究机构, 儿童早期和家庭资源中心, 一个男女俱乐部, 分散的公共住房和住房所有权机会. The revitalization would take place in a 15-square-block area surrounding the former Connecticut Transit yard on Vernon Street.

It’s the kind of innovation that could spell the dif­ference between continued urban decay and revival.

And the initiative could help to ensure Trinity’s future as one of the pre-eminent liberal arts colleges in America. 它现在的名声是在一个麻烦的社区里的一所好学校. 这影响了学院的竞争力. 这个计划将使信誉最好的网投十大平台的城市位置成为一个优势.

The area between the campus and CPTV’s head­quarters and the medical complex to the east is “fast becoming a neighborhood with nothing to The five institutional partners want to change that, 不仅仅是为了他们自己的利益, 而是为了所有在那里生活或工作的人的利益.

这是重生的景象, integrated community should be supported by all those who want the 城市 and its renowned institutions to prosper.

把所有的碎片拼凑在一起将是艰难的. Vari­ous components of the plan rely heavily on public funding and a seemingly endless approvals process. 尽管大部分资金到位,但并非全部到位.

But the plan put forward by the sponsors–which collectively are called the Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance–are achievable, 如果有正确的领导.

Money for the $18 million Montessori-style re­gional elementary magnet school and a $25 million Hartford middle school already has been approved by public agencies. Some $75 million in federal mortgage and home renovation subsidies is virtually guaranteed, 新浪网的合作伙伴也将捐助数百万美元.

市政府和州政府官员应尽一切可能进行合作. 这可能是多年来扭转哈特福德的最佳机会之一.

“我的态度是,哈特福德(Hartford)是我们的姓氏。. Dobelle. 这种态度将给学院带来好处, 其他机构和他们的主办城市.